Can't replay 2nd cutscene in reunion tour.

Okay, so I probably should provide some background:

Towards the end of this mission, when the last truck with the bomb chases you, I was caught in the blast radius but the mission ended as normal (sort of) and it took me to the "mission complete" screen but didn't play the "ending cutscene" before I "got there". I received Donnie's car and the works but right after, it finally played that cutscene (the one where Maero almost kills Donnie). When the cutscene was finished, the screen went black though the game was still running and I could hear the Boss moving when I used WASD or made the appropriate weapon noises when I presses M1. I quit the game and restarted and noticed nothing out of the ordinary: the mission was completed and I got my rewards (I then moved on to the Samdi arc). Later on, when I wanted to replay cutscenes, I noticed that the first cutscene was viewable, but not the second. Today, I decided to see if completing the next Brotherhood mission with hopes that maybe that would unlock the missing cutscene (though I didn't save my progress after completing it just to be safe as I didn't want to "skip" the cutscene in the TV list) which didn't work at all, the cutscene was still missing, "skipped" if you will after I checked the TV.

I was wondering if anyone could help me troubleshoot this issue. I'm using the "base" GoTR.