change / add gang gehicles

hi guys ^^

i'd like to change the saints vehicles with otherones, like the decker vehicles, or the morningstar. i know it is possible to add stuff, like the Decker Specialist gang member.
but is it possible to add the Morningstar, Luchadores and the Decker vehicles to the Saints list?
If you dont understand: im sick of the purple Atlantica, Bootlegger, Criminal, Infuego, Sovereign and Torch, i'd like to choose bethween the Decker's Kayak, Criminal and all other gang vehicles....

Is that even possible? if yes, i'd really apprechiate it if somebody could do this for me, because i try turn the Saints into Deckers, but thats impossible with the correct vehicles :/

Cheers MrFunreal
It actually isn't possible to do that. It's possible to change that for any other group,
but for the Saints you can sofar only change the members that will spawn, and the color palette, but not the cars.
The list of cars is very very limited. There's an actual xtbl file that determines what cars can be used... but somewhere along the line it's broken. It has a <variant> tag, but the only variant acknowledged is the saints variant (which a few cars have.. notably the default ones, the hearse, the mule truck, and the two attack choppers). The <variant> tag is probably not actually parsed... if you edit the file to allow picking a car without a saints variant (even if you change the variant to another one), it tries to render the car in the 'gang vehicle select' screen, can't find the saints variant, doesn't load, and the script somewhere gets into a loop until you use the mouse to select another car (keyboard won't respond). Since the car variants are part of the packed binary car files that we can't edit, it doesn't seem to be possible to change it.
It's all the more annoying, as the game doesn't even USE variants when spawning cars... all your saints spawn in the normal default variant weighting. That's why you cn't seem to find Saints about normally driving.. they are there, they're just in default car colours.
When you call a homie in, it uses a different car table anyways, and those ones use the right variant. It's all broken.

Thus, the only solutions would be to find in the save file where the 3 Saints car selections are saved and change it, to edit the car binary files to change the variants somehow, or to edit the scripting that controls gang configuration to either actually parse the <variant> tag or to ignore it entirely and not even try to draw the car at all during that part bypassing it. Or something.
I don't get lua, so it's possible I overlooked it, but I didn't see anything in the files about actually loading the car variant of any sort... for all I know it's hard-coded to assume that variant, or it's a different file somewhere or something that's called that somehow assumes it.
Encogen has already done that with GPO, the color shuffler is something apart from that mod and can change the color of most Saints, not all saints though, since the 8 generic saints, the story characters and some other npcs have colors standard from the textures they use.