Change the color of Crusader help

I went into sp_tank03.xtbl and found out that there is a color choice for every slot.After looking into notoriety_spawn.xtbl I noticed that on 5 badges notoriety Crusaders come with the variant named "average".Went back to sp_tank03.xtbl,the file which contains all the variants for the Crusader,went to the "average" variant,and changed the color from
<Color_Pool>Gang Stag White</Color_Pool> to <Color_Pool>Metal Gold</Color_Pool> and so on(that was just an example).I just want to make the tank look more interesting,I also removed it's grime,etc..
But the most annoying thing is that in-game the Crusader is still painted just like before (like in vanilla) and I moved the modified sp_tank03.xtbl into the root folder.That means that the game doesn't check those files when it runs and I think that another sp_tank03.xtbl is hidden somewhere in a str2pc file.I know this because when I tried to modify some activities,I modified the files from misc_tables.vpp_pc which began with _a_dt,_a_es,etc and after I put them into the root folder the game didn't read my modifications,but I found another series of _a_ ... into sr3_city_0.vpp and that's where the game read those files.
So anyone ever tried to change the colors of a vehicle?

Sorry for wrong forum category I'm just frustrated about this problem and didn't pay attention...
Those vehicle files you're trying to edit aren't actually loaded by the game. The only thing that does get loaded is the _veh ones. All the data in the regular vehicle file and the _cust file seem to be compiled into a binary .cvtf file that we've had some small success in hex editing.
I found a sp_tank03.cvtf in vehicles_preload.vpp_pc,I opened it and I don't understand anything...and I don't even know how to use hex editor,can you give me a clue?

You'll probably need to talk to Turk since he's the one that's worked with it the most for SRTT. I've only hex edited cvtf files from SR2 which are in a different format.

I will say this though, if you've never even used a hex editor then working with them is going to be difficult. It's not like editing text.
As for what hex editor program to use, are some free ones, but i don't know of any good, free ones. Notepad++ has a hex editor plugin; it's basic but free. The one i use for it is WinHex, which isn't free, but has a lot of features. It may not be the best, or at least the most suitable for your needs. I'm always casually interested in seeing a better or free-er one.

I suppose HxD is one of the best free ones.
I don't know how to explain. It's not a text file. It was never intended to be viewed as text. It's just values, of fixed or variable length, which are loaded into the game memory and interpreted in their own way. Some of those values are ascii strings, but many are not. 00 doesn't mean "nothing", persay. It could mean 0 wheels, or 0 inches, or 0 radio stations, or "the end of a string", or "something doesn't exist".