Changing Numeric Values of Added Respect in clothing and piercings

Is it possible to change the numeric values of added respect bonuses of clothing and piercings?
For instance, the Elegant Couture has a +60 bonus to respect (if my memory serves me well enough), but what if I like to dress up my character -that just sounds worse than intended- in a combination of certain outfits which I find more pleasing to the eye but really have crappy respect bonuses?
If this is feasible, would it involve a model swap -so f.i. the Elegant Couture will look like a miniskirt and tube top- or the actual removal the old and re-application the new values?
Are there more people who'd be interested in such a mod -if it is possible at all of course.
Mind you, I'm not looking for a "cheat" that would give me +1000 respect on any particular bit of clothing, but something that would be within the current game limits (I believe +70 for one particular outfit is the max, not counting what piercings or tattoos -oh, right tattoos- might add.)
I'm pretty sure you would just have to edit the respect bonus values in customization_items.xtbl. Not 100% possative that that's it, but my researcch in customization_items.xtbl tells me there's probably a set value in there.
I'm pretty sure you would just have to edit the respect bonus values in customization_items.xtbl. Not 100% possative that that's it, but my researcch in customization_items.xtbl tells me there's probably a set value in there.
I can always take a look -thanks.
When you buy an item, I think respect is added immediately to the current "respect counter" in your game. The clothing item/car/whatever has no cares about what its current respect is. If you change the respect value of a piece of clothing to 10x after you bought it, your respect wouldn't change unless you rebought it. It certainly doesn't seem to be tracked, and due to design I can't see why it'd care what the respect of an item is.

No respect multipliers in this game, sorry. Could buy craptons of items and then just wear the ones you want...
When you buy an item, I think respect is added immediately to the current "respect counter" in your game. The clothing item/car/whatever has no cares about what its current respect is. If you change the respect value of a piece of clothing to 10x after you bought it, your respect wouldn't change unless you rebought it. It certainly doesn't seem to be tracked, and due to design I can't see why it'd care what the respect of an item is.

No respect multipliers in this game, sorry. Could buy craptons of items and then just wear the ones you want...

Then why'd they tag clothing with a respect bonus. If wearing an item doesn't make a difference it seems pretty redundant -or poorly implemented.
They might as well have made buyable magazines or sculptures that would bestow a one time respect bonus.And then you could simply toss it, or sell it as it'd been rendered useless.
Would've made more sense if it'd been similar to f.i. a "belt of wisdom +1" in Neverwinter Nights. It would increase your Wisdom by 1 point, but only if you kept the belt equipped on your character. Trying to find or buy a "belt of wisdom +5" would then be preferable.
Might as well be awarded respect for dodging rain droplets, as most of the falling rain wouldn't hit you.
Their system of respect is horrible from one stand point (as said above), but really good from another. Meaning the clothes, piercings, and tatoos part of it is rally messed up. They portray it to work like "Belt of Wisdom" thing, yet its nothing like that, there's not even a respect bonus multiplier....