CO-OP through Steam causing game to crash on Linux.

Hey, don't know if this is the place to go for help like this but I'll try my luck. My game seems to crash whenever steam executes joinlobby. It happens seemingly randomly. Sometimes I can watch the whole intro, sometimes I can go to the first cutscene or even the second, and then it crashes. I don't get the crash reporter which does appear when I kill the game's process. The odd thing being, that it doesn't happen for my friend, also running linux, no matter if I'm the host or they're the host. We're both running AMD cards using the open-source AMDGPU drivers, and both run relatively up-to-date distros (I run Debian sid, they run Void Linux). I tried the basics like verifying the game files, using the steam linux runtime (made the game crash on startup) and disabling voice chat to no avail. I can provide more information, if I missed something.
Thank you in advice.