I dont think anyone has started a thread like this yet, but I think it would be nice to have a thread where everyone uploads any SR3 related artwork (not fan-art, Im talking direct from the studio, etc) for instance there is concept/character art in the Prima strategy guide, I have scanned some of it and posted some below. however it is kind of small in the book so if anyone has larger better quality versions of the art below, this is the place to post it. I will get the ball rolling to better show what I am talking about in regards as to what should be posted...
L-to-R: the Decker babe, the original scan and then a "cutout" png file that can be used for design purposes. Deckers character art. the Genki-bowl girls. Morningstar character art. Saints Row female gang members. these are all scanned from the Prima guide by me, and I used photoshop to cut the Decker babe out of the background.

L-to-R: the Decker babe, the original scan and then a "cutout" png file that can be used for design purposes. Deckers character art. the Genki-bowl girls. Morningstar character art. Saints Row female gang members. these are all scanned from the Prima guide by me, and I used photoshop to cut the Decker babe out of the background.