Couple Things... Faster Jet / Character Fling / Skydive Ragdoll

Okay, I have a couple things I've wanted. I've tried myself making these (I've been playing with Sandbox+ for a long time now) but I cant get these things to really work right.

The first one, I think, is pretty simple. Basically, I just wanted a VTOL or any other jet really, to have a super super high top speed (though still manageable, I suppose). Acceleration perhaps a little more than default, too. I've tried working with custom jets by tweaking values in xbtls, but it never seemed to change the forward speed. (Hovering up and down speeds did seem to change however)

Second, I don't think this is really that possible, but I'd love to have a Sandbox+ keycode to just turn the character ragdoll and throw them up a few hundred feet. I dunno. Could be fun.

Last, you know how sometimes you get knocked through the air, and then you kinda catch yourself and go into skydive mode? I always kinda wanted it so you never recover from that. You know, so you just flail until you hit the ground and get up.

Well, that's all I got. Anyone got any tips on these things?
There's really no way to apply ragdoll force to yourself via a function with Sandbox+, so that one is right out. There have been a couple of VTOL speed mods released already. Check the some of the earlier threads in the mod release subforum. I know Firespite did one and I can't remember the other guy offhand.

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Forum Rules said:
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Alright, thanks for the reply. I tried to find some of those things you referenced before, but I'll check again. Also, my apologies for that last thing, I guess I'm just so used to doing that out of politeness and stuff elsewhere. :p

You were right about this one:
That has Firespite's hoverbike speed things. Not a Jet/VTOL, but it's something so far.

Here's the other one I was thinking of
Oh! Beautiful. Thanks a lot.

Not sure how I missed that. I literally went through every page of the released mods.

It's still not quite as fast as I'd hoped, but I guess maybe that's just not possible then? Oh, well. Thanks anyways!
It's still not quite as fast as I'd hoped, but I guess maybe that's just not possible then? Oh, well. Thanks anyways!

I haven't looked at it, but all of the XTBL files that are most likely contained within that mod are just XML-based text files.

If you open them up, you can edit them and tweak the speeds to your liking.
The challenge is that when you adjust the speed, the handling changes, too. You may have to re-balance some of the other numbers, or the vehicle will constantly yaw upward or something. At least, that's what i remember reading in one of the threads about this long ago. If you're lucky, i'll be completely wrong.
I've tried working with custom jets by tweaking values in xbtls, but it never seemed to change the forward speed. (Hovering up and down speeds did seem to change however)

And Corrodias, yeah, I saw that problem happen with that one mod linked above and the fix in the replies for it.