Crew of two

My friend and I have been playing SR3 over the past few months and have finally come to the end. We've done everything possible we can see aside from vehicle thefts, however, the co-op activities only comes up as 53 out of 56 for me, and 55 out of 56 for him. I was thinking that it's possible we've used the wrong save file at some point, or a disconnection has stopped an activity being registered on one of our systems. However, all the activities are greyed out on the map, so it's impossible to see which ones we need to re-do together.

Short of doing them all again together, does anyone know of a way to tell what activities still need co-opping? Or if there is a mod that can detect this? Or the hex codes to identify the un-co-opped activities?

I tried searching this forum to see if this had already been covered, but wasn't able to find anything. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks for your help.
The only thing I can tell you is that I have seen other people report the problem elsewhere. In one instance, the players tested it and came to the conclusion that completing an activity once in single player before doing it coop will permanently lock that activity so the coop one does not count towards the achievement. I haven't tested this myself, so I can't confirm this behavior.

Also, moving to Get Help/Troubleshooting subforum.
Ok thanks for letting me know, maybe that happened to us. I'd still like to find a way to solve this for my main character, but failing that, does anyone have a save or know of a mod that can put us at 55/56 co-op activities complete for a new character that we might just do the last one and score the achievement?
Or can anyone point me to where I should look for the hex codes if I try to identify where the values are changing before and after a co-op activity is completed?
Hallowsend I sent you a conversation with a possible "solution" to this issue.
Hallowsend I sent you a conversation with a possible "solution" to this issue.

Why would you post a solution privately via PM rather than post it in the thread so that everyone could benefit from the information?
Why would you post a solution privately via PM rather than post it in the thread so that everyone could benefit from the information?

The solution is rather "hack-like" in nature using one of Gibbed's tools.

I wasn't sure if it was something you'd want posted here.
While it isn't "illegal" to use it, some purists might find it kind of a grey area.


Ok, I got permission from IdolNinja and Minimaul to post the "Solution" here in public.

You can download Gibbed's Steam Achievement Manager from his website (linked below) and use it to grant yourself the Achievement.

This will enable you to get it without having to completely replay the game in Co-Op.

As a side note, this utility will allow you to grant yourself ANY achievement for ANY steam game that you own, and while there haven't been any reports yet of people getting disciplined/banned for using it, the possibility does exist, and therefore, you accept all risk and responsibility for using this utility.
Hi Arglaar, thanks I was already aware of the utility but I wanted to keep it as a very last resort. Granting the achievement via the utility would still leave my profile as having an apparently incomplete number of co-op activities. I was just hoping someone had unravelled the code enough to know which flags might correspond to activities or even the total co-op activity counter. I know it might seem a bit pedantic but it would be nice to have a fix for this and get my profile to have 100% rather than starting over...
Would someone be able to point out the file that might contain the code that might change when a co-op activity is completed? I'll investigate it myself then and see if I can post a solution for others if I can identify the relevant flags. Thanks!
I'd imagine it's in the Save Files somewhere.
These files are located in the Userdata folder of your steam installation.

Drive:\Program Files\Steam\UserData\YourUniqueSteamIdentifer\55230\Remote

If you're on x64, the Program Files folder will be \Program Files (x86)