SRIV da_tables.vpp_pc and misc_tables.vpp_pc

I noticed that some of the xtbl files can be dropped into the game root (exe folder) and will override, some will not. I also noticed there are a lot of duplicates between da_tables and misc_tables. Does one take priority over the other? Do both have to be updated?

Just looking for a little more insight on these two packfiles.
Which ones will not override? The only ones I know of are animation related ones that require a special directory. Duplicates are probably unintentional and priority would go to which packfile was added last I believe and that comes down to code. I can check if it is valuable information to you.
I thought vehicle_despawn wasn't overriding, but I noticed the distance from player is working.. ish. At least with the tweak, when I TK a car into the air, it doesn't vanish.

What I'm really trying to do is make Steelport busy like NYC. I want to push my PC and the engine to the limit. 100, 200, even 500 cars rendered at once. Whatever the max is until I crash out, then tweak it a little lower.
I thought vehicle_despawn wasn't overriding, but I noticed the distance from player is working.. ish. At least with the tweak, when I TK a car into the air, it doesn't vanish.

What I'm really trying to do is make Steelport busy like NYC. I want to push my PC and the engine to the limit. 100, 200, even 500 cars rendered at once. Whatever the max is until I crash out, then tweak it a little lower.
Yes, I would love this as well. I hate being on top of a building and not being able to snipe people in the street because it doesn't spawn any.
Yes, I would love this as well. I hate being on top of a building and not being able to snipe people in the street because it doesn't spawn any.
I haven't managed to get peds to spawn from atop a tower, but more cars do with the tweaks I've been experimenting with. But it is still not exactly what I was going for.

The way I see it, its limited because of cross-compatibility with consoles. So the engine should be able to handle more on a PC, given we find the correct variables ;)
There is a streaming distance that we load out to and you won't be able to get vehicles past that at all. This is a fairly large area though and I think the object spawn system is limiting you here long before streaming. Looking at the object spawn code, it looks like the maximum number of vehicles spawned is hard coded and there isn't a PC specific value. It is just used to initialize an honest variable though, so it is possible we can expose this to lua or something for a mod. I'll play around with this value and see if I can see a difference, but the object spawn system is very obtuse so there could be 5 more things I have to poke to get some real results.
There is a streaming distance that we load out to and you won't be able to get vehicles past that at all. This is a fairly large area though and I think the object spawn system is limiting you here long before streaming. Looking at the object spawn code, it looks like the maximum number of vehicles spawned is hard coded and there isn't a PC specific value. It is just used to initialize an honest variable though, so it is possible we can expose this to lua or something for a mod. I'll play around with this value and see if I can see a difference, but the object spawn system is very obtuse so there could be 5 more things I have to poke to get some real results.

I greatly appreciate it, and anything you can come up with is also appreciated. Thanks again! :)