i am in love with the game dayz, an early access game that started as a mod for arma II, but i think it would be really cool for there to be a kind of version like it in sr3. like when u turn on the zombie cheat it can restart u in a random place in the steelport with nothing but your clothes then u can go scavenging for clothes and guns (i don't think u would be able to put food in it so im leaving that out) and make the zombies super powerful to make it more realistic, and you lose your map and you phone so you dont know were u are, and u have the normal health (50%) and make a lot less zombies wondering around to make it more realistic. and it would be cool if there were some abandon cars to drive and stuff in, and also if there were other "survivors" u could team up with.so basically it could just be like changing the zombie cheat mod and when u turn it off it goes back to normal. im not a modder or anything so im counting on someone to this, it sounds like it would be simple. lowering the # of zombies, spawn ur character in a random place, make zombies powerful, put guns and clothes places to scavenge for and a few vehicles here and there ect... but if u play dayz you know what im talking about. i just think it would be amazing if someone did this.