Dev command to control NPCs

Firstly let me say that I am not asking for an NPC morph, but what I am interested in is this thread:

In it, Meatplowz stated "We do have a console command in game where we do switch the player to npc - "character gat" This will allow us to debug and control specific npc characters using that character's mesh and associated animation set. There is also a console command to override the animation set that the player is using so that we can set it back to the player. I don't know if these are exposed to Lua functions. It's possible that they are not. It seems like that would be nice to get setup."

That paragraph alone sounds fluffy and sweet - a simple command to control NPCs a la Halo PC's bump possession cheat! Too bad the thread just stopped at a dead end... :\

What I'm wondering is has anyone actually found this console command, or was the whole dev console and anything related to it just taken out of the retail version of the game?

Also, by "exposed to lua functions", does this refer to scripts interacting with said commands?
This is honestly something I'd like to know myself. I think it's sad the activity in that thread ended abruptly just when things were starting to get interesting.
Yeah, sucks that it ended so suddenly, maybe I should've started this thread in the Ask Volition section...they'd definitely be able to give an answer.
Well, the thread was talking about the "My Name Is Cyrus Temple" mission from The Third, but I agree. Hopefully a staff member will notice this and move it to the Ask Volition section.