Disable Forced Weapon Pickup/Switch Mod

[V] IdolNinja

Volition Staff
Removes the touch script for the standard weapons laying on the ground so it doesn't forces you out of melee and auto-equip.

Created by request for Xander77:


Extract items_3d.xtbl to your SRTT install folder where the exe is:
\steam\steamapps\common\saints row the third\


I'm getting a weird glitch with this mod. Whenever I attempt to use another saint as a human shield, the game crashes to desktop instantly. Not sure why, any advice?
Do you have any other mods installed?
If so, which?
Are you using a fully legal, Steam version of the game?
Are you sure it's this mod that's causing the crash?
If you remove it, does the crashing stop?
This mod is not going to be compatible with anything that uses items_3d.xtbl without merging the files together.
Apologies for the necro, but I'm having the same issue Turtlelover reported:
The no-forced-weapon-equip part works fine, but the game crashes whenever I try to grab a NPC that's carrying a weapon. At least I think it's related to the NPC carrying a weapon: grabbing a civilians isn't followed by a crash at least.
I've tested it with no other mods installed.
I'm not sure if this was intentional, but it seems that in addition to disabling weapon pickup, this mod also prevents you from taking ammo from weapons on the ground, which makes Stag Party really difficult, among other missions, if you don't remember to fill your ammo beforehand.