Disabling controler

I am trying to disable controller, sadly i share a pc with my wife
we split screen she uses the xbox360 controller to play other games on the other screen while i try to use mouse/keybaord on the other.

i was using a tool noxbox360 that i found on a thread on steam for metro2033
but it made SR4 crash. that wasn't useful for this game. But this has worked for other games.

just wanted to know if there was a way to turn of the input from the controller off...
so i go play my game using keyboard and mouse while she used xbox360 controller to play something else.

google says you could edit the ini in the 3rd
but it didnt work for this game.
InputDeviceAutoDetect = false

there is no option to disable controller in the options. if there is help me find it please cuz i cant.
it always detects and starts taking input from the controller.
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yeah, i am needing help with this also. i cannot find any reference to InputDeviceAutoDetect = does SR4 even have this option? or are they going to add it in a future patch. i read thats what they did for this option in SRTT.