Diversified pimped-out NPC vehicles

I've never seen any other vehicles that are pimped-out the way I am able to pimp out my ride. You never see other autos on the roads with underglow lighting of various colors or suped-up tires, spoilers, etc. Every NPC car is just vanilla and standard. Would be nice to see more variety on the streets. Of course this could lead to the problem that many vehicles will just look flat out ugly if they have hot pink spoilers and lime green bodies, brown hoods, etc. So there needs to be some sort of limit on how diverse it gets but certainly seeing other vehicles with at least underglow lighting would be a positive change and add a little more color to the world.
I see that there's a prelaod animation vpp file. Will that mess up the Sandbox+ mod I'm using?

Use the one from Sandbox+. It supercedes the one contained in this release since it includes both the ponycart animations, and the new anims for the over the shoulder carry.
Use the one from Sandbox+. It supercedes the one contained in this release since it includes both the ponycart animations, and the new anims for the over the shoulder carry.

The latest versions of my NPC mod use the same preload_anims file used in Sandbox+, so it doesn't really matter which order you install them in.
The latest versions of my NPC mod use the same preload_anims file used in Sandbox+, so it doesn't really matter which order you install them in.

Good to know.