Do you agree that SRTT graphics look better than SRIV?

Yeah there's no doubt about it. I agree i love how the the shader/lighting looks at SRTT :) especially the vibrant colors.

Hopefully someone can port that shader and lighting from SRTT to SRIV once SDK is out.
Removing poll, moving to Mod requests.
I actually think the IV looks better and also runs alot better for me compared to The Third.
I use the "Vintage" color scheme, brings alot of color to the game.
For me it is convertly, in SR 4 is better graphic at least the Female ASS :D (if anybody can do as to textures (female character) works in SR TT, BIG PLEASE ;D)
To be honest,I like SRIV saturated look a lot and I'll admit I appreciate the glitching city. SRTT was, well, "real". Also, SRIV runs much better than SRTT, even with all the added FX for powers and whatnot.
Wow... Didn't expect a lot of people like the graphics in SRIV. I meant by the shader/lighting effect of course not the textures since both of them look the same.

I don't hate SRIV effects since you're in a virtual world so that makes sense :p. But after replaying SRTT i would love if it's possible to bring back the shader/lighting back to SRIV. In SRTT it looks much more clearer and the colors looks great not washed out like in SRIV.
Considering the title says Grahpics and not "Shaders/Lighting", what'd you expect for replies? I like this SR more than the third. It doesn't look washed out to me at all..
Dunno where you left your eyes:D, but SRIV definitely looks better! Higher res textures, better lighting/shaders. The imagespace mod you can change to "classic" after finishing the story.
They both seem to have their pros and cons, but one thing I noticed is that SR TT looks better with Post FX enabled, whereas SR IV looks better with Post FX off.

Anyway the Simulation Override atmospheres all suck. Why couldn't Volition just make that damn dynamic time of day already? SR IV seems to have lost the dynamic weather effects as well, hell of a simulation :/