SPOILERS dubstep remix!

Ok. i know the dlc itself seems like it should be in the game but goddammit is the advertising freaking brilliant.

i have a soft spot for 80s and 90s style advertisments.

so yeah. imma buy that too to show my support for more ads to be like this style. :D
snes controller ftw!
(im a nintendo fan. XD)
That ad was awesome. (And I am glad to have the DEATH METAAAAAAL track show up on there. But $2.99 for just 4 new skins/sounds? C'mon...throw in an 80's Power Rock and one of the tracks from SRTT deckersdie.exe!
Yay for console owners, but now that this is DLC it complicates having a custom tracks mod :(
Wow, and here I was thinking that Volition's chronic case of "DLC diarrhea" couldn't get any worse, they go and prove me wrong by selling public domain music. Good job Volition, you've actually invented a whole new level of shit.
Wow, and here I was thinking that Volition's chronic case of "DLC diarrhea" couldn't get any worse, they go and prove me wrong by selling public domain music. Good job Volition, you've actually invented a whole new level of shit.
They probably paid more than 2.99 for the rights to use it in there game... If you're going to take it that far you might as well say that the main game is selling music.

EDIT: Paid for rights if they needed to... But it is for console people who can't mod as, whats his name, said above.
I think once the modders gets the SDK, these tiny costume and skin DLC will be rather pointless when they able to make their own version for free. The only DLC that really matters to me are the missions DLC but so far none exist yet.

$2.99 is bit expensive but when Steam Sales comes, it'll probably dirt cheap by then.
APM isn't public domain. It also isn't free. Neither were the hours put in by the artists to make the skins or the audio designers who cut, looped, LPF'd, painstakingly added markers to the tracks, and hooked them into Wwise. Can't resist alien oppression without a little sweat at least.

Also that's my voice doing the cheesy announcer. This awesome ad was made completely in-house ;)