SRIV Dynamic Shadows from Car Headlights

I previously posted this in the mod requests forum
I noticed a lot of the lights in the environment now cast proper shadows, would it be possible to make the car headlights do the same?
I just wanted to ask here if this is even something that is possible at the moment? If not, is this something that we could possibly do once the SDK is out? If I can get a confirmation on either, I'll gladly make it myself.
Wilson asked me to look into this a bit, and it looks like the vehicle headlights are driven by VFX, and most vehicles seem to use the VEH_XenonHeadlights effect. (This is for SR4, but I don't think this changed all that much from SR3). So, once the SDK gets to the point where you can create/modify effects, you should be able to turn the shadows on pretty easily.

I'm not sure how far you guys have gotten into reverse-engineering the binary VFX format, but it should be possible to manually edit the data for that effect in a hex editor to get the shadows turned on in the meantime. That's not an ideal solution, but it should work. If you're interested in doing that, let us know, and I can start tracking down the exact files and byte offsets and such. I did that locally in the debugger here, and was able to get the shadows working pretty easily.
Thank you for looking into this.
If you're interested in doing that, let us know, and I can start tracking down the exact files and byte offsets and such.
I am definitely interested in doing that, and would really appreciate it if you could post that info sometime.
Thank you so much.