Easy Races

I changed the time limit on all races to 15 minutes for Gold
and I removed all other racers. Now you're just racing against
the clock.

Here is the original script for the first race. It is the motorcycle race at


Here is the same script edited so that there are no other racers
and you are racing against a timer:


All I did was remove the opponents, change the medal times
and added a max_time entry to the script.

Drop the edited file in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' directory also located in
Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it. Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2
folder and enjoy

Note: As always I don't see why this would mess with your save files, but if concerned start a new game.

Happy Racing!
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Love it when people include their "how I did this" of their mods. Amazing the game still works despite no opponents! I guess it makes sense for other kinds of "races" - that is, time trials to have that functionality.
That's basically what I did. I just swapped some values over from the time trials.

I agree with you about adding the how to sections. I've learned a whole lot from these forums
and I never could have if not for other people sharing their knowledge.