Edit NPC Apperance?

Any way to Edit the crews appearance *i.e shaundi, pierce, gat, etc.*? Make them as customized as your own character?
And additional question, is there a mod that has the Oktoberfest skirt separate?
Not 100% as we only realy have half the tools for doing this kind of thing, Im sure I seen some one do a character re skin tho so it might be possible, but if you where to do somthing like this you would need to basicly edit the texture for each npc and make a new one basicly using brush's, textures, patterns, filters etc in an image editing program
do u think it'll ever be possible??
Yes once the SDK is out depending on what it is, if thers an SDK for the game your trying to port from or the game uses a format for theyr weapons that is supported by 3D programs then it will be easy, for those who know a bit about 3D programs and modding and if not Volition will be giving SDK support on this forum :)