Editing .le_strings Files

I searched up on the internet and found a tool that allows unpacking & packing of .le_strings files. Found it here:

Problem is, the site doesn't seem to load properly and I have had trouble navigating through the site/ downloading the tool, mostly because it's in Portuguese (I think).

Does anybody have a copy of this tool?


Nevermind, looks like it was just slow.

Managed to download it, and it seems to work.

Fantastic. Would you upload the tool here so we don't have to bang our way through that site?
Alright, attached it to the OP.

Also, a set of instructions I found somewhere else, since the readme is in Portuguese.

Open up cmd(command line console/prompt), a fast way is start>run>cmd
Goto the location where the files are in cmd

To extract:
ferramenta.exe -E subtitle_us.le_strings

edit the subtitle_us.le_strings.text that was created

To compress:
ferramenta.exe -C subtitle_us.le_strings.text subtitle_us.le_strings

the -E and -C MUST be in upper case
Can you add new strings with it or does it only edit existing ones?

The reason I ask is that editing existing strings is technically simple, adding new ones is a real bastard because -V- sort the strings into groups somehow, and I've yet to figure out how.
The way the file is formatted is:

XX XX XX XX [string]

Where XX is a hex address. I have no idea what the hex refers to.