So hi all.
I love Saints Row but i finished the whole game over 24 hours and i got nothing to do now rather then mess around until i got the Mission Replay mod, which cheered me up a bit
But then i thought if you can replay missions why cant we reset the takeover of the city with a simple mod/tool and i dont mean GameSave Editor by Corrodias (there is over 25 files in my gamesave folder at %appdata% and i dont know which one is which) so i wanted to ask
Can someone make me a simpler gamesave editor or a mod that still puts all the other gangs in the game although you took over their territories. (like morning star is still hanging out in their zone but you control there by 100%)
If my English is a bit bad or the typing is poor I am sorry cause i am having sore hands from yesterday's volleyball tournament and my grammar isnt good in English. (I am turkish so.... i know english for 5 years)
I love Saints Row but i finished the whole game over 24 hours and i got nothing to do now rather then mess around until i got the Mission Replay mod, which cheered me up a bit
But then i thought if you can replay missions why cant we reset the takeover of the city with a simple mod/tool and i dont mean GameSave Editor by Corrodias (there is over 25 files in my gamesave folder at %appdata% and i dont know which one is which) so i wanted to ask
Can someone make me a simpler gamesave editor or a mod that still puts all the other gangs in the game although you took over their territories. (like morning star is still hanging out in their zone but you control there by 100%)
If my English is a bit bad or the typing is poor I am sorry cause i am having sore hands from yesterday's volleyball tournament and my grammar isnt good in English. (I am turkish so.... i know english for 5 years)