Enhanced jiggle physics for the Superhero outfits.


It gives more noticeable breasts physics to all the outfits from "The Super Saints Pack":


  • Clothing - Suit: The Strapless Wonder
  • Clothing - Suit: Miss Mischief
  • Clothing - Suit: Furious V
  • Clothing - Suit: The Otherworlder
I know there are already other giggle physics mods posted here, but none of them seemed to affect these outfits when I tried them, so I decided to share this mod I originally made for personal use in case anyone find it useful.



I also included a version that removes the "breast reduction" applied to "The Strapless Wonder" outfit. Here is a comparison with 100% sex appeal with and without this reduction applied:

With breast reduction.jpgWithout breast reduction.jpg


Just copy one of the files named "dlc1_customization_items.xtbl" into your game folder (where SaintsRowIV.exe is located).


You can easily change the amount of breast bounce and firmness to your liking by changing a couple of values:

1. Open "dlc1_customization_items.xtbl" with Notepad++. This is a free software that can be found here: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/.

2. Once opened, press ctrl+h to bring up the "Replace" window.

Copy "<Breast_Dampening>1</Breast_Dampening>" (without the quotes) and paste it in both the "Find what" and "Replace with" boxes.

Now change the # value only in the "Replace with" box to a number between 1 and 0. ie. <Breast_Dampening>0.75</Breast_Dampening>

Click Replace All and save.

3. Copy "<Breast_Spring>10</Breast_Spring>" and do the same as above.

Again, change the # value only in the "Replace with" box, but this time to a number between 20 and 0. ie. <Breast_Spring>14.5</Breast_Spring>

Click Replace All and save.

4. Now just place the xtbl file in your game directory.


Breast_Spring: Sets how firm the breasts are. Values above 20 may cause clipping issues under extreme bouncing and make the breasts look like bags of water.
Values below 0 will deform them.

Breast_Dampening: Sets for how long will the breasts bounce.
Values above 1 will make the breast bounce until the end of times. Values below 0 will deform them.

Breast_Small_Dampening: Makes the breasts bigger if they don fit in some clothing.
Original description in game files: Dampens the players breast size selection back to default.
Can be used to reign in the extents for items that don't look correct at full extents. 0.0 = no dampening, 1.0 = full dampening.

Breast_Large_Dampening: Makes the breasts smaller if they don't fit in some clothing.
Original description in game files: Dampens the players breast size selection back to default.
Can be used to reign in the extents for items that don't look correct at full extents. 0.0 = no dampening, 1.0 = full dampening.


Simply delete the file "dlc1_customization_items.xtbl" from your game folder.


TheYellowImp for describing how to change breast physics in his giggle physics modpage.

Siofna author of the "Reasonable Body Slider mod" that I used for the pictures.



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