EtD Weapons Un-Upgrade

This one is a bit odd. After playing 3 missions, I juuuust missed the last pony-cart for the achievement, and since you can't replay a part of the missions, I loaded a save before, just after the 1st mission. Oddly, however, I realized I was taking longer to do damage, and notice the 3 EtD weapons had gone back to default un-upgraded status, yet my cache had dropped to what it was after I'd upgraded them all. I know it had been after I'd upgraded, since the knifethrower was fully upgraded, and I did that AFTER I upgraded the 3 (minigun, gl, flamethrower) to full.

None of the other weapons were un-upgraded that I can see, just the 3 from EtD. Anyone else had this issue? (If I'm correct, it's like the save isn't storing the status of the 3 DLC weapons properly, but I can't easily confirm that sort of thing.)


I'm not able to replicate this one.. it's very odd. It might be something about the order I upgraded (as in I need to upgrade non-EtD weapons after I fully upgrade the three?), or it could be about when I saved (after the 1st mission in the DLC, and then loaded after the 3rd was just passed). Could be some weird factor I missed. It DID happen, but I can't seem to figure out HOW I made it happen. Sorry, these sorts of bugs are the worst.. maybe I should sacrifice a chicken to make it happen again. o_O
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It's odd. I think it has something to do with the fact that I upgraded a different weapon after I upgraded the DLC ones. It's tough to figure what saves I have that would manage that (undone by the lack of naming in the saves!).

I CAN however confirm that upon completing the DLC (well, ok, I think it's playing the last mission, but I can't check weapon upgrades during it) it resets the upgrades of the weapons. I think that's because I actually grabbed them when told to, instead of waiting. Slightly odd though, it did NOT undo the flamethrower, which was the last weapon I chose and the one I ended up using during the 5th mission, but it DID undo the GL and minigun. Perhaps it's just not saving properly upgrades and only persisted because that one stayed 'loaded' (even if it had been un-selected as my special weapon)?

EDIT----- Think I got it.

It seems to be a difference between the game as it runs, and game as it saves. The autosave had all 3 weapons fully upgraded, when I went to load it to check how it was saving them. Yet, when I was playing the game after beating EtD, as noted the flamethrower was upgraded yet the other 2 were not. It means if I'd continued I'd have to re-upgrade them, as a new save probably would have lost it.. but the autosave caught the upgrade. Perhaps the loss then is after I finished the DLC.
Ugh, what a weird bug.
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