Extended times for activities like the SR4 mod? Also...Helicopter missions

Thanks to the SR4 mod that extends the time limit on activities, I was able to complete all of the activities without getting completely frustrated.

I'm old, and could use some help with the activities in SR3

Also, I find the Helicopter escort missions, especially the HARD on at the bottom of the map impossible to complete, the car always gets destroyed, because it goes under the railroad tracks and I'm unable to shoot any of the attacking cars, plus I just am really terrible at flying the helicopter.
Not sure about modifying the activities, but one thing you can do to help you master flying the helicopters is to grab a small VTOL vehicle, like the Thompson, and go Collectible hunting WITHOUT getting out of the vehicle.

You really get better at fine control that way.
I'll try that, because that one particular helicopter mission is pretty frustrating.

But I know that someone in SR4 extended the Bronze, Silver and Gold times of all the activities which made the activities less frustrating in SR4, I'm hoping that someone can at least add more time to the timed activities in SR3.
It would be very helpful.
I did find out how it's done... the activities are all done in str2 files, notably tuning xtbls inside of those. Makes it harder to modify, and that's why I liked how in SR4 they pulled it into a single unified xtbl (well, minus the rifts, oddly. Either cause they're very different game-wise, or because they were added later?)

I'll take a poke at it, and see if I can squish one together...
Also gondor if you find out how to extend insurance frauds time and points limit could you let me know that would be amazingly awesome :D
Done. It's at https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/easier-activity-goals-sr3-edition.4970/.

The only activity I didn't touch is the guardian angel. I can't actually find anything in it that influences the health of either the protectee or their vehicle, otherwise I would have done that. I suspect I could actually make them invulnerable if the lua command can work as I think it does, but I'm not sure I'm up to doing that. Otherwise it does the rest of them... timers are doubled, points needed are halved (including for escort, where the footage before fail is also doubled), and yes the health on the heli assault protectee is doubled.

So, I guess this thread could be closed, or something then? ;)
Just adding one more heartfelt THANK YOU to Gondar for letting this old fart actually complete this game.
You have my lifelong gratitude for being an awesome person and letting people like me actually ENJOY a game.
May your life be wonderful!