Favourite quote

Saints Row has some very funny and also cool lines of dialogue which made me wonder: what is your favourite line?

Mine defenitly is:
(after finding the sex doll)
Pierce: 'I didn't mean it like that, they are collectible, you're supposed to find them all.'
Boss: 'You know what I count? Body counts. Can we go shoot someone now?'

The reason why I like the Boss his quote so much is because for that one part of one mission you don't have to kill people, the boss already starts to get annoyed that he hasn't shot someone for a while.
anyone hit need a lawyer? -legal lee
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"These kids and their video games! When I was their age I was outside, murdering people in the fresh air!" - Male voice 1, SRTT Initiation Station
anyone hit need a lawyer? -legal lee

Yeah, I remember that one :) From the courthouse where you went to get Gat out of custody.

"These kids and their video games! When I was their age I was outside, murdering people in the fresh air!" - Male voice 1, SRTT Initiation Station

Oh yeah, heard that one before when checking the voices :D I believe these quotes also are used when the player remains idle for a while.
"I got a message for Monica Hughes and her stooges. Dear bitch: Steelport is under new management, and we don't answer to you. This is foreign soil now. Come at my city again and you'll go home in a fucking box. Back to you." - Boss.
"I've read Jane Eyre 13 times!" -Boss, Male Voice 1

Never heard that one before, but I play with male voice 2 ;)

"I got a message for Monica Hughes and her stooges. Dear bitch: Steelport is under new management, and we don't answer to you. This is foreign soil now. Come at my city again and you'll go home in a fucking box. Back to you." - Boss.

Yes, that was a nice message to Monica Hughes :D Remember that one.
Each voice has it's own 'confession' during Three Way. I know that Female Voice 1 says "I'm on a coed curling team!" I don't know about the others.

I forgot the one that Male Voice 2 has, gonna hear it soon, when my walkthrough is at that point :p I wanted to play through number 3 again before going to the 4th installement.
Female Voice 1 SR:TT

Pierce: What hell these guys wearin'?
TP: Looks like the Bleak Line by Christoph Valkerie
Pierce: What?
TP: You found the Fed yet?

Luz: Actually they're this season..
TP: Bullshit That's last years fall collection.
Luz: That's not true!

I love how TP knows Fashion.

UPDATE: A few more I remembered

Stealth Killed Guard: Famous movie quote!

Guard talking to Hooker: Yeah, baby! This snake is 100% solid. ( I laughed a lot that one).
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