Female enemies mod?

Hi guys,
Does anyone have the mod called "Bodak's Saints Row the Third Female Enemies Mod"?
This guy made this cool mod and put a video on youtube. In that mod, all the enemies guys and cops are changed into girls.
body still keep it? If not, do you guys have any similar mod?
Sorry for my bad english, it is not my first language. Hope you guys understand what I wrote.
Please help me, thank you very much~:)
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I think I have what you are looking for... I can't for the life of me find the original site where I found the files so they may be edited slightly as I was trying to get them to work with the NPC behavior mod, which I ended up doing successfully. I tested my copy of the game with just these files, and it loaded fine/replaced characters properly.


You should be able to download the files and copy them to your saints row directory, I have to leave for a couple of days for work, will be back sometime Saturday night or Sunday morning and will check back to see if it worked for you.