First Person Mod

This mod needs attention.

In SR2 it was a matter of editing camera_free.xtbl and changing z_dist values to 0, effectively putting the camera in the center of the player's body making it invisible.

Also, nice to see you again Bernard! :D
Also, nice to see you again Bernard! :D

Hiya. Took me a long time to get on here--I was debating whether I should be as philosophical this time around. Think I'll just be a mini-modder though; at least until I find out what the progress is on morphing (I'm kind of disappointed with the new system--though the morphing and models and such are an awesome improvement, the options of skinny, hulk, and pudgy seem very restricting).

Anywho, off-topic. I'll start looking into modifying this stuff and using the tools and such. The engine seems a lot more versatile--my friend played on another friend's non-modded server, and apparently it worked just fine--this friend of my friend even saw my friend's customization on vehicles that are non-customizable in the vanilla game!

But if anyone gets around to extracting/editing/compiling (if necessary now) camera edits, please do so and put 'em up--I'm still pretty uncommitted with modding at the moment; still just enjoying the game for the most part.