Five-O Police Car from Saints Row 2 to Saints Row The Third

Hello, just out of curiousity, would it be possible to create a five-o cop car in saints row the third?

I don't know wether following options are possible, but you never know.

Step 1: Make the taxi replace the Peacemaker (sine the taxi uses the same model as the five-o police cars from saints row 2)
Step 2: Create a Steelport police skin for the taxi
Step 3: Remove the taxi sign on the roof (can be done in Rim Jobs and add a lightbar.) The taxi sign on top of the taxi can be removed in rim jobs and the light bar on the peacemaker can be removed as well so I was thinking if it would be possible with some editing in the files to replace one of the taxi signs with a lightbar. Wether these would exactually work I don't know.
Step 4: Add a siren to the car. I don't know if this is somewhere to be found in the vehicle its files wether it has a siren or not.

P.S.: I don't know if the Peacemaker also had certain flags to make the front lights flash or if it was hardcoded.

If the above method would work it could be possible right? Since that doesn't require any mesh modelling which currently is not possible?

We can't edit car parts like the lightbar. They're stored in a binary cvtf format and we have no tools. There are table files that show car parts, but these are leftover before they were compiled and do nothing when edited.
We can't edit car parts like the lightbar. They're stored in a binary cvtf format and we have no tools. There are table files that show car parts, but these are leftover before they were compiled and do nothing when edited.

Okay, I understand. Well, it was worth a try ;) Thanks for the reply.
Let's hope the vehicle part and variant tables will be compiled in SRIV...
would it be possible to make a special Five-O-inspired Taxi color scheme and tie that to cop spawns? It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be close as possible since you can't control the lights and sirens.
would it be possible to make a special Five-O-inspired Taxi color scheme and tie that to cop spawns? It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be close as possible since you can't control the lights and sirens.

Colors are also part of the cvtf, so unless the car already has a full body decal then it won't work. I'm pretty certain that the taxi only has small taxi decals that wouldn't cover the whole thing.
You can still read with what colors the car will spawn though, so maybe if you swap some colors through "vehicle_cust_color_pool.xtbl" it might maybe work.
That may just work.