*FIXED* Game crashes when trying to save

Okay first time doing a bug report so bear with me and I'll try to make sure I cover everything that Idol requires for a report.

I know my computer can handle the game as I bought it the week it came out and had a hell of a time with no problems other than the occasional game crash/freeze.

I decided to add some mods, before which I saved the vanilla files to a separate folder.

I organize the mods by putting them in their own folder in the Saints Row 4 folder, I did this with Oblivion as well back in the day.

I have two DLCs installed. GAT V, thanks Steam, and Enter the Dominatrix.

There was no freezing with GAT V even with the mods added.

I downloaded and installed EtD but could not open any customization menus. I then deleted everything, besides my mods folder, and put in the vanilla SR4. This fixed the customization freeze problem.

Then I discovered a new bug anytime I tried to save the game would crash, even autosave. I haven't even been able to start the first cut-scene for EtD because of this bug. The game has given me a crash dump file. I'll upload it in case that helps.

I have used steam's verify integrity feature but it found no problems. I decided to uninstall then re-install but that didn't do anything either.

Finally I don't know if these are relevant but NIVIDIA decided to install GeForce Experience which is supposed to optimize your game's setting. Also the loading screen that pops up before you even get to the main menu actually takes quite awhile to load instead of the lightening speed it used to be to where I didn't even notice it.

In short game freezes when I try to save, I have no mods activated, only two DLC GAT V and EtD.


Okay nevermind I fixed the problem. I looked at the dump file at one point and it was talking about how it was looking for something that wasn't there. While trying to fall asleep I remembered I had the Enhanced Gang Customization mod on my main file and didn't change them back to the originals before removing all my mods.

That was what was preventing me from saving. So whoever can close thread please close this one. Unless you wish to use it for others that are having problems with trying to save.


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It's so strange that it crashes when saving and not, say, when loading. Well, this is an important one because i've seen three other people mention having this problem. I expected it had to do with mod resources that don't exist any more.[/quote

It could be since not all 4 of the gang members were from the enhanced customization that it was still loading, and possibly it wouldn't save because it didn't have two of the references.