followers drive

so this one time i was playing with kinzie following me, we were on a mission so we had a waypoint set, i got a little far from her and she stole a car to try and catch up, somehow i managed to find a way to get in the car before she got out and instead of me takeing the drivers seat, and her getting in the passenger, she just sat there and proceeded to drive to the end of the mission waypoint, i tried to experiment a bit, setting other waypoints, but the mission one took presidence, and since i couldnt get in the passenger seat again without swiching to the drivers side

this was done in single player

so the point is... i would like a soft car entrance key, something that will get you to just sit in the passenger seat so your followers can drive, it would be nice if they drove to whatever player waypoint you set

i think this can be done because obviously, the follower driving script exists, its just tricky to set it up
This may be still a bug with their script, but in SR:2 and I believe SR:3(or perhaps the other way around, can't really remember) you can try this:-
Wait for a homie to drive by in a car, and then use the recruit ability. They will stop and exit the car. Get near the passenger side
and dismiss the homie. Wait for them to head back to their car and just before they get in totally, activate the 'enter vehicle' ability
and you should end up a passenger. The will drive around aimlessly however...