Forgetting SRTT modding because of SRIV


Is anyone afraid that once Saints Row IV gets released, the people will forget about modding SRTT?

Or in other words, move on to SRIV modding?

I ask because I like SRTT and would be sorry if people would forget about SRTT modding just because SRIV is more recent and apparently, cooler (because of superpowers).
I wouldn't worry. The SRTT sdk is going out first, so it's pretty likely that it will inspire a huge amount of new modding.
SRTT has been out for years now and people are still modding SR2 so I'm sure it'll be fine.
I would surely hope so, as IdolNinja says.
I still enjoy sandboxing sessions in SR3. It helps blow some steam off, no pun intended. Easy cheap fun, blowing things up.

I won't know if SR4 will feel as bad as I fear until I get to play it. Based on vids I've seen so far I'm afeared I may well end up not
playing it much at all until mods show up for it. SR3 and SR2 may have to be my refuge for fun until then , SR universe wise.
I've probably been setting myself up for disappointment as I just 'discovered' SR2 again and played the hell out of it the past week or two,
not yet done with it mission wise though. I'm digging on SR 2 as a result. haha. I'm slow, what can I say.

So, I'm willing to bet there are others out there, with more talent and ability than I have, that will be able to use those SDK tools
and do things for SR3 that will possibly make it epic. SR4 with the super power stuff frankly, leaves me blank. I watched the dev vids
on Twitch so far, game play other places. I really do not get it at all.
I enjoy driving around the damn cities. I enjoy cars. I enjoy pedestrian stuff. If I wanted to fly across town I grab a chopper or
SO, yeah, does that sound like I may end up enjoying playing modded SR3 over SR4? I thinnk maybe I may not be alone .. we shall see.
Offoarse SRTT won't be forgotten.

And since SR TT and SR IV have a lot more in common compared to SR 2 and SR TT a lot of mods will be made compatible for both games if possible.
And there also are a lot of things that SR TT has which SR IV hasn't and vice versa so thats another reason to continue modding both games.
And last but not least, there are also people like me who like SR TT more then SR IV so those kind of people will focus more on the third game then the fourth.
I haven't forgotten about it. I'm learning a lot from the Modders here and I'm lookin' in to make Two Toned hair colors. So I say no...or should I say not a lot of people are going to forget right off the bat anyway.
I haven't forgotten about it. I'm learning a lot from the Modders here and I'm lookin' in to make Two Toned hair colors. So I say no...or should I say not a lot of people are going to forget right off the bat anyway.

There is still so many things that should be included in saints row 3. Imagine with the full SKD release including editable world geometry etc... we would be able to create water traffic, trains that actually drive, life at the airport, etc...
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