found something really neat on a gta modding website. a model converted from SR3

damn. if it was converted that would proof that there are modeling tools for the SR3 format. too bad.
True some psycho with no life took a long time to build it, when converting with the right tools coul have took 10 min
True some psycho with no life took a long time to build it, when converting with the right tools coul have took 10 min

First of all, there are no tools. Secondly, people who spend the time making mods and models are not "psychos with no life." You have just pretty much effectively insulted every modder on this forum.

Please refer to forum rule #1 the next time you want to post something as ignorant and inflammatory.

Forum Rule #1 said:
Don't be a dick.
First of all, there are no tools. Secondly, people who spend the time making mods and models are not "psychos with no life." You have just pretty much effectively insulted every modder on this forum.

Please refer to forum rule #1 the next time you want to post something as ignorant and inflammatory.
Sorry next time i will not do this