Free sprinting and "Right clic" melee camera?


Anyone knows if it's possible to delete the fixed camera angles while doing Sprinting melee moves in order to be able to freely move the camera while performing them? (Like when you perform them indoors)

And would it be possible to do so with the QTE attack that plays when using hand to hand ?

Camera angles are sometimes great but i grew tired of seing the moves the same way :)

Thanks anyway for all the mods allready out there :)
You may want to check out my FPS Experiment mod. I managed to change the camera positions for both sprinting and hand-to-hand attacks. Since it has been quite some time since I edited those files and I won't be able to check them on my own until weekend, feel free to look at different xtbls (camera_free.xtbl and anim_files.xtbl preferably) and try changing values in different lines/submodes. It should get the trick done.