Free vehicle camera

Hi all and congrats for this incredible forum!

Very simple and easy request i believe: I'd like the vehicle camera to not be influenced by the car steering at all, so if you look straight forward you can move your car around and it wouldn't turn with the vehicle. I've checked a couple of posts here that improve one aspect or the other but a trully free camera would have a great number of advantages, since the world won't bounce around so much and you could perceive the car movement better, you would also be able to see the world clearer at high graphics settings / lower framerates.
Idol's sticky cam is a great feature, but it's still forced to move left and right with steering.
Uzi's unaltered file, also tones down the camera sway making it more GTA friendly, yes, I KNOW it's supposed to be UNALTERED but without the file, the camera moves rock-solid turret-like, so... a small thankyou is due nonetheless, hehe.
Quantum's in-car is also awesome and would benefit A LOT with a freed cam.

Of course, it'be great if the mod would apply in both normal and drift mode. I hope i was clear enough in what i meant by free camera, like a turret that isn't influenced by the vehicle it's mounted on, or in Idol's terms, a "sticky" camera that "sticks" to the direction you look in, no matter how you drive the thing. Thank you!
I should have put it simplier: Just make the camera behave the same way it behaves when you are in the passenger seat, or in a tank where you can shoot easily like you are on foot and the vehicle movement doesnt affect your aiming direction (vanilla tank and passenger). Please help with any tip, i'm popping my eyeballs at vechicle_cameras, _defaults, etc and i see elements like camera swing and such but i have no clue what variables should i use. Any help would be greatly apreciated, thank you.
Here's one hint.
In vehicle_cameras, search for <TableDescription>, this will take you to a section of the file that provides some information about the various parameters.
Here's an example:
        <Display_Name>Camera Proximity Lock Y</Display_Name>
        <Description>At a certain pitch between looking strait up (-1) and directly forward(0), stop moving the camera below the target but keep turning the camera's pitch upward</Description>