I just looked on saintsrow.com and guess what I found: SaintsRow Staff: "There will not be a patch regarding upgrades." WHHAAAATTT!!? That is INSANE! This game is supposed to have complete freedom in it! If what that guy said is true, then why are THEY doing this to us? Don't mean to go into the offensive, it's just that some of the upgrades I have seen in the game are game-breaking (Invicibility is one of them), and what about freedom with the weapons? you should be able to remove upgrades just like you activated them (Character and Weapon), I don't care if removing an upgrade costs twice as much as activating them, I just want freedom with them, because of such freedom being devoid from the game, I am not letting myself or my partner do any upgrades. Sorry if this post seems really long, but this freedom with the upgrades is something I feel is almost VITAL for the sake of the game. This one flaw in the game is the ULTIMATE flaw. So someone PLEASE at least try to mod this feature into the game...