Funtime! by Stg.T

Do you think this will increase the lifespan of Saints Row 3?

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Hello,I am making a mod pack,please take your time and read this... (87.5% accepted) NOTE:Mod is already done,just waiting for the permissions.
NOTE:Mod may recieve more changes!

Information (I am still waiting for the permissions,I made my own mods too):

Credits go to Me - For making this mod pack.(merging the files wasn't really that hard.(For the mods MOAB,and Friendly fire threshold,changed the Friendly Fire threshold to 90000000 Nuff said)(Tweak.Table.xbtl))
IdolNinja - Sandbox +,Mission Replay,Buddy Oleg mod (Friendly fire threshold),and Disabled Force weapon pickup. (Accepted)
Fan of Saints - No Depth of Field (Accepted)
Snipe - Permanent Temporary Weapons (I also edited this for the AR Burst weapon,changed it into automatic,with a decent rate of fire) (I edited Minigun to have unlimited ammo from the start,no need for special weapon infinite ammo upgrade) (Accepted)
SaintEsben - Easy Earning Money mod + Cheats don't flag game save mod (Nerfed only Hostage diversions,Example: Money:12500000,now changed to the hundred thousands) (Not yet accepted) (Respect stays the same) (Insta Lvl 50 after one MAXED out hostage diversion!)
Kyle (banned,RIP) - MOAB mod (changed the value to 100 instead of 90) (Reason: FUNNN) (You can also change the value to anything you want by: 1.Open tweak_table.xbtl. 2.Search for "airstrike_num_projectiles" and then change it to your desired value!) (Accepted)
FQuimson23 - Homies allowed in missions... Version 1.1,spawn Johnny Gat instead of Zombie Gat.
Mrnukelton - Extended taunts mod (Accepted)

Hope you enjoy this mod pack!

And finally,my most thank's goes to the Minimaul,helping me in various ways! Thank you Modders too!

I am proud of it!

Note:Friendly Fire threshold = 90000000... Please keep it like this.. Since I just spammed my 20(X100 bombs) airstrikes onto one person,and they still didn't turn hostile...

Mod (/changes) (By ME):
All shotguns (except for shark attack shotgun) are auto,their magazine sizes increased,they all have 25 shots per round (except for Stag shotgun,and shark shotgun),also increased rate of fire. ALL shotguns (including the shark shotgun) has max range of 45 (was varied between 20 - 30).
Grenade Launcher has increased Rate of Fire.Grenade Launcher has recieved more mag size.
RPG recieved an increase on range (1000).RPG has recieved an automatic upgrade....40 Mag.RPG has an increased rate of fire. RPG now deals double the damage (You can just call it 2 shots per once) (U just made a portable version of nuclear war).RPG's projectile is faster.
Grenade has recieved an increase on range.
Moltov has recieved an increase on range.
Flashbang has recieved an increase on range.
Electric Grenade has recieved an increase on range.
All pistols have recieved an increase on mag.All pistols have recieved an increase on Rate of Fire.
All SMG's have recieved more mag,and more rate of fire.
All rifles have increased rate of fire.
Brute Minigun has increased range.Minigun has slightly increased rate of fire.
Brute Flamethrower has increased range.
Satchels has an increase on range.
Enemies and homies will fire their weapon faster,more intense firefights!(And your homies will be useful) (NOT used on snipers,since those cunts will just be trolls)
Riot Shield has an increased range.(was 2,now 3) (Also works on STAG shields)
Stag Shotgun has slightly increased accuracy.
AS3 Ulimax recieved slightly increased accuracy.
Stun gun has recieved an increase on range.Go and stun more people!Stun gun has recieved an increase on rate of fire.Stun gun has recieved more mag.
Airstrike has recieved an increase on range. (You can call airstrikes farther away)
Homie: Angel now has a permanent skin of with mask on.

NOTE: DO NOT DARE to even MESS with the luchadore grenade launcher! It took me time to fix my game crash! (NO I AM NOT using a pirate version)

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I can take requests! You can give me ideas! (Like insta reload RPG) For weapon tweaks.
For SRTT, how do you merge asp files? I'm trying to merged asp files in SRTT
Merging SRIV and SRGOOH is work fine with ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe I update them anytime
Merging SRTT in ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe the black window crashes

Edited: Nevermind, it main crash the black window for SRTT:
I hope he may update it soon.
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For SRTT, how do you merge asp files? I'm trying to merged asp files in SRTT
Merging SRIV and SRGOOH is work fine with ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe I update them anytime
Merging SRTT in ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe the black window crashes

Edited: Nevermind, it main crash the black window for SRTT:
I hope he may update it soon.
That would be really hard to do,since it came from another Saints Row Game.
For SRTT, how do you merge asp files? I'm trying to merged asp files in SRTT
Merging SRIV and SRGOOH is work fine with ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe I update them anytime
Merging SRTT in ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update.exe the black window crashes

Edited: Nevermind, it main crash the black window for SRTT:
I hope he may update it soon.
Here is the mod's done!