Steam Forums haven't been any help, and Deep Silver tech support isn't responding to me so I thought I'd try asking around here. I launched the game, got to the main menu. Went to New Game, picked difficulty, game crashed. Retried and same thing happened. Here are troubleshooting steps I have tried without success.
DxDiag -
Crash Information -
- Tried various AMD graphics drivers versions: 12.6, 13.1, 13.4 and 13.8 Beta
- Update DirectX
- Update Visual C++
- Run SaintsRowIV.exe in Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and Windows 7 Compatibility mode
- Run SaintsRowIV.exe as Administrator
- Set Display Presets to Low, turn off VSYNC
- Delete appcache folder in Steam
- Verify integrity of game cache in Steam
- Disable anti-virus software
- Set Processor affinity for SaintsRowIV.exe to CPU 0
DxDiag -
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