Gang Customization: Custom Colors

I've been trying to figure out if there is a way to change the gang colors to something else, and if this level of modding would be something relatively simple?
Someone on Steam had a screenshot that changed the Saints' color, but I don't know who, or when, or if it worked in all facets (cars, gang members, etc.)

Sorry, that's all I got.
I was poking about with that for a while.. there's probably a file I missed but when I tried to add vehicles to the saints spawning I could only get ones that came specifically with a "saints" loadout. As in by that exact name, regardless of the ability to specify another loadout in the gang_config (the vehicle name shows up but no image pops up when you go to it and it doesn't specify). Of the ones not included were one 2-door musclecar (can't recall the name), an SUV, a hearse (the same one used during a mission).. and oddly the Mule as well as two types of attack helicopter (the latter of which do not do anything.. they just hover in place because the AI doesn't get how to fly copters).
It's possible I missed a file or two but trying to splice in a new "saints" customization for a car's xtbl just made it also not work.
Another thread here shows though that as far as gang members colour is changable so it's possible I missed something. So yes, your dream of an all bright pink Saints could work :D