HEEEYYY (Fonzie-style) Volition! The "territory control" system on Saints Row 2 acts like this;
You play a mission (Either Storyline or Stronghold) and when you finish it, you get a piece of a territory. On that territory, your own "homies" appear and you can buy property.
This is different in SR3, in there you buy property to get some piece of territory.
So, if any of you Volition devs know, the modders learned of a way to give a territory back to the gang, but only in SR3. And even though it is given, property is apparently still owned by the player.
Now I ask you, is it possible to do that in SR2? Can you please give them (Or us, if anyone considers me a modder) information about the territory and gang control?
I would really love to replay SR2 (without having to start a new game) without having any friendly purple guy near me complimenting me, you know?
You play a mission (Either Storyline or Stronghold) and when you finish it, you get a piece of a territory. On that territory, your own "homies" appear and you can buy property.
This is different in SR3, in there you buy property to get some piece of territory.
So, if any of you Volition devs know, the modders learned of a way to give a territory back to the gang, but only in SR3. And even though it is given, property is apparently still owned by the player.
Now I ask you, is it possible to do that in SR2? Can you please give them (Or us, if anyone considers me a modder) information about the territory and gang control?
I would really love to replay SR2 (without having to start a new game) without having any friendly purple guy near me complimenting me, you know?