Genki Homey and Cop Mod

Love to have a Genki Homey I could call in phone complete with Genki face.

If its possible would like to be able to mod the police uniform to have a gold stripe on the leg like NYPD and a blue shirt. Some reason this is not possible currently.

Bonus For Cops mod if anyone likes the idea:
1. Swat Outfit added to wardrobe. (same as when calling for swat backup from dlc)
2. Cop outfit Added to Wardrobe. (NYPD with gold stripe please on pants, or a way to seperate the top from bottom since its only a suit)
3. Possible that when outfits are worn disables police notoriety? this way it doesnt break the game for police notoriety when wearing other outfits.
4. Cellphone: Call For Backup Homey: Cop Head: Dispatches 1 or 2 police cruisers 4 cops in each. (same as saints row backup only now with police officers and cruisers)
a. Whistling recruits 3 of the cops as homeys as usual.
5. Gameqube added allowing passengers to fire in backseat of peacemaker this would be useful with this mod.

Current Mods I enjoy:
Wardrobe Customization by idolninja
joes Tacticool Weapons: 50PercentJoe
The pedestrian mod: ShitFace

Thanks modders for taking a great game from Volition and making it even better!!!!
It pleases Genki!!!111