Getting weird bug caused by <Team>Playas</Team> swaping out npc's

I am using <Team>Playas</Team> for an npc in my homies xtbl and when I use it it changes the homie I selected that I have changed in the homies.xtbl into one of the homies from Saints Back up the ones you can customize.

I have tested many times to narrow the problem being soon as I apply Playas into <Team> any other team works fine but then <Spawn info Rank> doesnt work e.g if I was using Shaundi's spawn info rank for an npc they would spawn with an SMG if I use a diffrent team then this does not work and npc spawns unarmed

I have set out all my other homies in the same way using the same team and spawn info rank and had no problems apart from with 3 of the npc's and it was only 2 till I moved the non working ones to the top of table then one at bottom started doing the same

I thought problem might be that character xtbl could only have to many teams set to playas so I swaped out a few such as angel and zimos and set them as gang neutral hoping that would fix the probem sadly same problem happend again when loaded game up

Iv tryed to give as much info as I can hoping that it will make it easyr to solve this problem any help or ideas would be great

Wont let me edit this post:

Where I say Homies.xtbl I ment Characters.xtbl

(This will be deleted and added to original post soon as my pc stops bugging out and lets me edit)

*Mod Edit* Merged. Weird that it won't let you edit. Try restarting your browser.
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Look into the character.xtbl, at the end you'll see a flag with "Saints:customize" (or something almost the same) just delete it and it should be fine, I had the same issue to find some spawnable charachters. If it doesn't work I can try to help you if you wish, I'll just need your homie.xtbl, character.xtbl and the npc you want.
Look into the character.xtbl, at the end you'll see a flag with "Saints:customize" (or something almost the same) just delete it and it should be fine, I had the same issue to find some spawnable charachters. If it doesn't work I can try to help you if you wish, I'll just need your homie.xtbl, character.xtbl and the npc you want.

Thers no extra flags added to npc's character table Iv only got

The problem only happens when I change the team of the npc to playas but thats needed to work the spawn info rank correctly, If you wish I could PM you the files to take a look at the table is already scripted and buggy npcs have been moved to top of table till theyr fixxed making them easyr to find
yeah hit me up the files with your homie.xtbl and character one because mines are modded :)

What do you mean by 'mines are modded' your modded tabels should be in your root and you should have unmodifed versions then in your misc tabels vpp

the problem is only happening when the team of the npc is changed the only thing that could contradict that could be the spawn info groups as im using civillians but the bug is happening with npcs within the same set some work and some dont so it prob isnt that or all of them would not work is ther a max amount of times that <team>Playas</team> could be used maybe but im pretty sure its not that either as I changed unused npcs to other teams to free up slots and still same ishue happend
That's what I meant. I don't know if you're using any other modded homie or character files. Anyway did you change the <Category> ?
That's what I meant. I don't know if you're using any other modded homie or character files. Anyway did you change the <Category> ?

Im using around 5 tabels and 1 string file all for this mod any time a table needs to refrence a file I change the file it calls the info from aswell so I realy have no idea why im having this problem :(

its putting major stop on me bringing out my 1950's homies as theyr all done apart from these bugs that happend right at the end to -.-

I have not got any mods on at same time ishue is with the team
the category entires makes no diffrence aslong as it is the correct one for the npc and mine all are
files where extracted from the game so they where clean unmodifed files then I scripted in all the mods line by line typing them out as I find you learn the code faster that way
hum I had that bug when I changed Kinzie with herself in the prez costume I also had a Saint spawning I'mma give a look what I changed in the line if it can help you
hum I had that bug when I changed Kinzie with herself in the prez costume I also had a Saint spawning I'mma give a look what I changed in the line if it can help you

Ty, I swaped out all homies that have prez version and had no ishues :( im so temped to just cut some of the homies out but it be good to have all 13 working
I had an issue when I tired to make her spawn with a character.xtbl from a mod or I dunno since I only tried after I had mods o_O Can you just show the line for that NPC?