Gin juice restore.

This mod has modified the situation where Gin juice cannot display icons in the store and cannot be purchased, restoring Gin juice to normal. Players can purchase it and enhance the melee effect.I have consumed all the food for testing and will not collapse.
Installation : GOTR is required

1. Place the bitmap_steetsen.xtbl file and drugs.xtbl file into the 1-MODDERs_ - PUT_YOUR_ OWN_PERSONAL-MODs_HERE folder, and then apply the component patch.

2. Open the preload. tbl file with Notepad, copy the entries from JUICE.txt into it, search for the name, add "ginjuice. g_peg" above "puchainasaw. g_peg", add "ginjuice. g_smesh" above "puchainasaw. g_smesh", add "ginjuice. peg" above "puchainasaw. peg", add "ginjuice. smesh" above "puchainasaw. smesh", and then save the file.

3. Copy the three patch files generated by MY_CUSTOM_PATCH to the siants row 2 game directory.


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