GoS questions (SR3)

Hey there,

I started playing SR3 a few days ago with a friend. And we noticed lots of bugs and such.
So I started looking for mods which might fix some of those, and I came across GoS.

It looks like a really nice mod compilation, but I've got a few questions.
I've been looking at what mods the pack contains, but I've only been able to find this 'list'.


It doesn't have any links to the mods themselves and it doesn't have any info about what the mods contain, and I was unable to find those mods. Also, in the Advanced Mode of the Mod Compiler the mods names are different I believe, because I can't find the mods listed.
(btw, I'm looking at the COOP version of the mod)

Mods I'm especially curious about:
(Keep in mind that I'm not asking for someone to answer every single question about every single mod in this list. If you could just give me a link to a page with all the info then that's geat, or if you can tell me how to find the information myself that's also good. I don't really 'mind/care' how I get the information, wether you give me a link, or just answer my questions. Both are greatly appreciated :D)

*Core mods*
2. All Vehicle Extended Customization and Delete Rewards
- What is meant with 'Delete Rewards'?

4. Enable tank radios and disable forced notoriety
- What is meant with 'forced notoriety', and what does it do?..

5. Additional cheats
- I guess it just adds cheats in the cheats menu which I can choose to either enable or disable? They aren't enabled on default?

8. Cruise Control HUD Lowered
- Don't have a clue about what it does

*Interface and Control Mods*

1. Sticky Camera - Prevents camera from recentering for kbam users
- What's kbam?..

2. Disable Autoaim
- Is there an autoaim? o_O

*Vehicle Mods*

1. Convert all Helis to Boats so they can be costumized at the Dock
-Is this convertion pure code- wise? Or does it have any influence on the game?

2. Increase Specter Speed - Has slight camera issues in advanced mode
- What's Specter Speed, and what is meant with 'advanced mode'?

3. Death Orb - Converts the Metal Ball into a plane that can fly around
- I guess I've just not discovered this 'Metal Ball' yet? But what does it do?

6. Supermodder's Super Fast Cars and Vtols +
- Does this make all cars fast by default? or what?..

*Weapon Mods*

1. Snipe's Permanent Temporary Weapons
- What are temporary weapons actually? (not as in, what does it mean, but what weapons are consideres temporary? how does this work?)

3. 50percentHoe's Handgun Fun
- Just.. what is this? :p

4. Luckz's Excessive SR3
- What is this?

5. Triple shot, Incendiary, Explosive Gravedigger - includes Handgun Fun
- How does this work? New types of ammo which can be bought? or.. ???

6. Eradicator 1.0 Cyber Buster Mod
- What's this?

7. Epic Airstrike MOAB + More
- What's this?

*Misc Mods*
-What do all of them do? :p

All help would be greatly appreciated!

The changelog has links to each individual mod as well as a description.