Current Version: v1.1
-Fixed an issue in v1.0 where Kazuo Akuji would no longer fight you in the Boss Fight at the end of the "One Man's Junk..." final Ronin mission.​

(Original GotR "Misc Homie Pack" and "Villain Homie Pack" credit: IdolNinja.)

This mod is a rebuild of the "Misc Homie Pack" and "Villain Homie Pack" mods included in Gentlemen Of The Row.
It is designed to fix issues caused by those mods, such as the Assault On Precinct 31 Random Saint glitch (detailed below).
As such, changes made by this mod are made primarily behind-the-scenes.


The original versions of these mods assigned new homie models by changing the presets of the character which was implemented.

eg; in the Misc Homies pack:

homies.xtbl would assign...

npc_ShaundiRepair_pre.xtbl ("pre" = preset) as a homie, which would tell...

npc_ShaundiRepair's model to be used for that preset.

This method would cause bugs in other areas of the game where npc_ShaundiRepair_pre.xtbl is used, like the "Assault On Precinct 31" Random Saint bug.
(click the spoiler below for a detailed analysis of the bug.)

This mod fixes that bug by using a dedicated Homie preset file instead.

eg; in the Misc Homie Pack Fix:

homies.xtbl now assigns...

npc_homie_Shaundi_pre.xtbl as a homie, which tells...

npc_ShaundiRepair's model to be used for this preset.

As this preset is solely designated to being used as a cellphone homie, it will not affect any mission. (The unmodified npc_ShaundiRepair_pre.xtbl is still used for Assault On Precinct 31 and works as intended.)

Simply put:

npc_homie_Shaundi_pre.xtbl is now dedicated to being a cellphone Homie.​
npc_ShaundiRepair_pre.xtbl is now dedicated to "Assault On Precinct 31".​

I thought it would make sense to apply this same fix to the other homies (wherever possible) to avoid any other bugs which I may not be aware of. Hence, the rebuild.
The Assault On Precinct 31 Random Homie bug is caused by having "Misc. Homies" enabled in your Gentlemen Of The Row patch builder.
The glitch plays out like this:

Stage 1:
The journey with Shaundi from the gym to the Repair Van unfolds as expected.

Stage 2:
When you get into the van, there will be a scripted fade-to-black to mask the swapping in of Shaundi's Repair disguise character model. Only, ShaundiRepair doesn't spawn, and is instead replaced with a random Saints gang member.
Your game will be in an unstable state as long as this Random Saint is loaded in.

The reason this happens is that the "Misc. Homie Pack" in GotR tells npc_ShaundiRepair_pre.xtbl (pre = Preset) to be on the "Playas" team, whereas by default she is on the "Civilian" team. This conflicts with what the mission expects ShaundiRepair to be, and so a random Saints gang member is substituted in as a placeholder.

If you were to call your cellphone Homie - Shaundi (Repair Outfit) - while npc_ShaundiRepair_pre.xtbl has her on the "Civilian" Team (instead of the "Playas" Team), she will only act as a civilian (no purple dot, won't defend Saints) while she is not currently following you (with her head icon in the top right of your HUD).
(eg: As she drives up to you, there will be no purple dot on the minimap.)

(ss10.cts tells npc_Shaundi_Repair's Team to be "+Playas", but this line seems to have no effect in-game, as she remains as your undismissable homie throughout the mission anyway.)

Stage 3:
When you arrive at the Police Station and get out of the van, the Random saint will sprint around you incessantly.

This happens because the mission is scripted specifically to use Shaundi's hacking animations (Stand, Walk, Run, Stand To Hacking, Hacking) with ShaundiRepair's model. The Random Saint cannot load these animations as it is not ShaundiRepair, and there are no fallback animations, since Shaundi's animations are called upon specifically. But since there is no Sprinting animation for the Hacking Computer specifically assigned, the Random Saint CAN access a Sprinting animation, and therefore Sprinting is all it can do.
The Random Saint Sprints because it cannot Stand, Walk, or Run.

(Sidenote: Modifying npc_Shaundi_Repair_cha.xtbl's [cha = Character] assigned animation set to any parent set of "GFL1"
[where Shaundi's Hacking animations are located] will cause the mission to crash as soon as ShaundiRepair attempts to spawn, as she can't access her required animations.)

Stage 4:
The mini-cutscene at the sign-in desk shows ShaundiRepair as it should.

The file which controls the actors in this cutscene is a separate file from the mission script, and does not rely on an NPC's Preset file.

Stage 5:
When you reach the control room, the Random saint keeps on sprinting, but the mission carries on as if nothing is wrong.

It takes a while, but the random saint WILL complete the hacking section. This sequence is scripted to take as long as it does, even if all waves of enemies are defeated.

If the random saint is killed and revived, they will T-pose, unable to move, except on a rotational Y axis (Yaw).

This happens because the "standing-back-up" animation leads into the Stand animation, which the Random Saint does not have access to.

Stage 6:
The mission CAN be completed, despite everything. But your game will continue to be in an unstable state until the mission is over.


I have also taken the opportunity to give some Homies more appropriate weapons:

Misc Homies Fix:

-Crazy Salesman's Delivery now wields the Pimp Slap and Septic Gun.​
-Mr. Wong & his Translator can now wield Samurai Swords.​

Villain Homies Fix:

-The General can now wield a Machete.​
-Mr. Sunshine now wields a Machete and the Orbital Launcher.​
-Shogo Akuji now wields the Samurai Sword and SKR-9.​
-Dane Vogel now wields an Annihilator RPG.​

These changes will only affect the cellphone Homies.

Gentlemen Of The Row is REQUIRED for this mod to work.)

1. COPY all files from inside either "1. Misc Homie Pack Fix" or "2. Villain Homie Pack Fix" folders.
2. PASTE all files into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".
3. Run "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat".
5. From the main menu, type "P" and press Enter to rebuild your GotR patch.
6. Move the newly created contents of "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" into your Saints Row 2 root folder (Where SR2_pc.exe is located.).
7. Launch the game and enjoy a smoother GotR Homie Packs experience!


WARNING: NEVER blindly run a .bat file you downloaded from the internet! This batch file is safe, but don't take my word for it. Open it in Notepad first, and make sure it won't delete anything from your system you don't want it to.

1. Place "UNINSTALLER (GotR Homie Packs Fix).bat" into your GotR "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE" folder and run it.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
3. Once finished, move it back into your GotR Homie Packs Fix "Uninstaller" folder.


Unzipped Folder Size: 3.23 MB


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