Great weapon Idea

I would think that making new weapons in saints row 3 would be really hard, but i have an idea, i don't know how to make mods, YET, but that doesn't mean i can't share my ideas, the idea is if you could take lets say the Deagle pistol, give it a different skin, then a different name, differet upgrades, ect, and it'll be on the menu for purchus, that would be pretty cool, but i'm still going to go with the theroy that someone is going to say its impossable lol :D
it's not truly impossible, you can change weapon textures, physics, sounds, trigger types, dual/single wield, tracers, bullets, magazine size, ammo per shot, a whole bunch of effects and effect situations, and other miscellaneous things, like flaming bullets (on my lowest level of english vocabulary :P), or if the weapon gibs victims and all things like that.
You can almostly say you can change everything, except for the weapon model, which is, in some ways, not entirely true either, since you swap weapon models from higer levels, and for the components (ammo cartridges) of the higher level weapons.

For a good weapon mod I'd refer to Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance mod, Snipes Unlocked Temporary Weapons Permanently mod, or if you want an RPG shooting 100 rockets per minute from level 1 already, just my Rapid Fire RPG mod (I think about dual wielding my RPG). :P
it's not truly impossible, you can change weapon textures, physics, sounds, trigger types, dual/single wield, tracers, bullets, magazine size, ammo per shot, a whole bunch of effects and effect situations, and other miscellaneous things, like flaming bullets (on my lowest level of english vocabulary :p), or if the weapon gibs victims and all things like that.
You can almostly say you can change everything, except for the weapon model, which is, in some ways, not entirely true either, since you swap weapon models from higer levels, and for the components (ammo cartridges) of the higher level weapons.

For a good weapon mod I'd refer to Shitface's Weapon Re-Balance mod, Snipes Unlocked Temporary Weapons Permanently mod, or if you want an RPG shooting 100 rockets per minute from level 1 already, just my Rapid Fire RPG mod (I think about dual wielding my RPG). :p

I've used Shitface's weapon rebalace before, and it made me want to make a weapon pack, like lets take the AR55, give it a new name, texture, and upgrades. Then do the same for all the other weapons, only they would be new guns, and not the same thing with better upgrades, there'll be different guns, like have the other guns have the same texture, but skin it rename it, then give it a descrpition and put it in the slot with the weapon catagory, God i make no since when i type, D: Oh and i did try your RPG mod Lmao : )
For weapon texture mods I would also refer to Joe's Tacticool Weapon textures. I am, on the other hand, not quite sure if we can change names of the weapons, and if we can, I wonder where...
At once I get a mad idea in mind to make a few new weapons, like the STAG rifle from the zombie attack cutscene. (different tracer, sound and muzzle effect), but I doubt making new weapons will be possible.
We can't even add Gangstas in Space DLC weapons to our free roam inventory without meeting a set of flaws from this _horrible_ engine. Besides I've been up all night and I'm terribly sleepy. :)

Most of it is well readable, no worries, even if English is my 3rd language.
Later on I might dual wield my RPG. :D