H.U.D.- Repositioned Indicators

H.U.D. ( Heads Up Display )

There are some indicators on the HUD ( on screen text such as Access Crib, Cruise Control, Open Door, etc ) that are displayed near the center of the screen.
( My game resolution is windowed 1920x1080 )

I read somewhere that the "Cruise Control" indicator was repositioned lower.

Is it also possible to reposition other HUD indicators ?


Would someone please tell which file is responsible for the screen coordinates as to
where these onscreen text indicators are rendered ?

Thank you
If it's too much work to reposition the HUD indicators, would it be possible to create a "toggle HUD" key binding ?

So if you want the HUD to not be shown, all you have to do is simply press a key on your keyboard.
The toggle HUD key can be assigned by opening the file ( .xtbl, .lua, etc. ) and then going to the script line and typing in whatever key you want to use. ( it should be a key that is not used in your game controls )

For example;


Where as the "H" would be the key I would use.

Please let me know if this may be possible and how to go about it.

Thank you
I believe that previous versions of Sandbox+ had the keybind for turning HUD on and off. As for now though, that feature has been disabled... my advice would be to keep an eye on the SB+ thread to know when will it come back.
I believe that previous versions of Sandbox+ had the keybind for turning HUD on and off. As for now though, that feature has been disabled... my advice would be to keep an eye on the SB+ thread to know when will it come back.

It never had it disabled since it never actually worked right in the first place. It's something I'm hoping to look at in the future. :)
I thank you gentlemen for the info.

That "Toggle HUD' would be a nice to have in any game.

Do you have any advice as to how to resposition the HUD indicators such as "Cruise Control", "Open Door", "Access Crib", etc. ?

Which files handle the coordinates ( x,y positions ) that tell where these are rendered on the screen ?

any advice or guidance would be very appreciated.
thank you