Hair Clipping Issues


I've done enough modeling over the past several years to know this is probably quite a bit of work, but I'd love to see a mod that addresses the hair clipping issues on longer hairs (to make the hair look good you'd either have to alter the clothing mesh significantly or else alter the hair mesh for all outfits with clipping for each hair).

Witht that said, something that defaults to ponytail for outfits with clipping issues would be great. It's easy enough to just select outfits with no clipping in the simulation, but the clipping in the space suits is unavoidable if you use certain longer hairs.

^^ If nothing else, if someone can direct me to a tutorial that allows me to assign a ponytail/some other hair mesh when using "X" hair model that would be appreciated. The game does this with many hairs already, so I imagine the scripting is already built into the game to do it with any hair/for any outfit.


Yes, I would like to know how to do that as well... So I can do the opposite and just have all hairstyles with all clothes, regardless of clipping. Or at the very least change the ponytails to the one without the stupid dangly strand thingy that always forehead clips. Y'know the one that only belongs on 80's/90's Action movie drug kingpins? Yeah I hate that.