aka Pierce, what are you doing with your head stuck up a Marauder's ass?
My Brother Zephos started a notorious turf war while I was supposedly "out" of the simulation, but the Zin still managed to cross over. Which wasn't totally implausible, as their troops mostly look the same both in and out of the sim. Soon, a marauder crushed me and rolled over to Pierce, resulting in the above situation. Other crewmates went nuts and began gunning down stray Zin and terminator-bots.
Previously, I was wondering why I had died in the ship while I went AFK. The answer seems to be these glitches in coop, where "real" and "virtual" are blurred. Which reminded me of when Neo could manifest some of his powers in meatspace.
Also, Simulation Override doesn't work reliably: I changed it to NOIR and my brother didn't see it until we both restarted the game. Then it gradually shifted into other settings, and for me it unpredictably alternated between black-and-white and color modes during activities. Which is a shame, because some of those shaders and tints look cool. Anyone else experience this?
After thinking further, this would make for a cool mod too — ship ambushes!
More of the aftermath: http://imgur.com/a/1QIph