Has this game been shelved?

I bought the game on sale thinking how bad can it really be the community often puts down anything that comes out now, and it really is awful, from the worse then steelport bland cities to the fact you can kill 100 cops and lose the wanted level stood in the same spot to the awful driving that feels like your drunk, what is there really to enjoy about this game, its not like its the little things, its the big things, the game is borderline unplayable, it needs serious fixes, is the game just gonna be dropped now that volition was disbanded?
Probably dropped yeah. Modern triple A games don't really get saving graces, Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky are rare exceptions where they can convince publishers the game is worth being made fundamentally better
yeah, unless Deep Silver decides to use some of their remaining studios to patch this game, which most likely will never happen.
I bought the game on sale thinking how bad can it really be the community often puts down anything that comes out now, and it really is awful, from the worse then steelport bland cities to the fact you can kill 100 cops and lose the wanted level stood in the same spot to the awful driving that feels like your drunk, what is there really to enjoy about this game, Regarding casinos, creating gambling https://fairgocasino.org/. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with!its not like its the little things, its the big things, the game is borderline unplayable, it needs serious fixes, is the game just gonna be dropped now that volition was disbanded?

Yeah, I felt the same way when I played it. The game's got so many major flaws, from the empty, lifeless cities to the awful driving mechanics that make every car feel out of control. With Volition being shut down, I honestly doubt we'll see any big fixes, which is frustrating because it could’ve had potential.
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