Hi, would just like to say that im having alot of fun trying out the great mods on this forum 
one mod that i think the game really needs.... homies and recruited gang members to be able to put away guns when you put your weapon away, it was much better in sr1 and sr2 when they pulled out a weapon when you did or when some trouble started, on the third it just seems that they constantly have a great big machine gun or smg strapped to the arm no matter what the circumstance? i know nothing about creating mods so have no idea how viable this would be? if it's at all possible tho, i think it would be a great addition. thanks

one mod that i think the game really needs.... homies and recruited gang members to be able to put away guns when you put your weapon away, it was much better in sr1 and sr2 when they pulled out a weapon when you did or when some trouble started, on the third it just seems that they constantly have a great big machine gun or smg strapped to the arm no matter what the circumstance? i know nothing about creating mods so have no idea how viable this would be? if it's at all possible tho, i think it would be a great addition. thanks